There seems to be 2 worlds on earth: the one I and those like me live in…and the one every else occupies. My world is simple. It’s a world filled with the dedicated and determined. Easy days don’t exist in this world, just another day where you hope to be stronger than the last. There are no cheat meals or excuses why you haven’t been eating clean. Gyms in this world are what people call offices in the next. It’s not a country club, it’s a place of business. A place where when you clock the fuck in, it means getting your ass to work, because that rep you missed while talking could be the difference between 1st &2nd place. This world survival of the fittest is the only law, the only rule, and the only thing inhabitants of it respect.
The other world…too easy. Fast Food, diet pill scams, and "feel better about yourself" iPhone apps... this is a world where the easier something can be done the more people will want it. The easy route is the only route that exists or that people are willing to acknowledge and accept, and those who dream to achieve something greater than the status quo are considered stupid. It is a world of piss & shit. A world for the weak. A world for those who would only serve as bait amongst the beasts in the other world.
Each world knows of the other, and both sides often scoff at the other. The dedicated see the "lose weight quick and easy" ads and think to themselves "yeah, let me know how that works for you…pussy!". Meanwhile the world of the dirtbags gaze upon their counterpart and wonder WTF would posses a person to train that hard, or take the road less traveled. Regardless, one side will always prevail over the other.
I live in the world of those who would see fit to bust their ass to become something greater than what society would have them settle for. A world where the people who understand me are the same ones who are in the gym lifting during the cold mornings, grappling during the hot afternoons, and who prepare their food in advance so they don't get stuck eating processed shit that would see all of their hard work go to ruin. This is the place where legends are made. And if not a legend, those who live in it will continue to pursue a life where that remains the goal.
I challenge everyone to make an attempt to dedicate themselves to something. Gliding through life as a lemming is easy. No one will even stop to ask you why. But if you make the effort to elevate your standing, you may be the inspiration that causes 10 others to change their thought process and start a chain event that effects the masses. Pretty soon both worlds will be composed of dedicated individuals striving for excellence. Then the only question will be: Which world fucks up the other one first?=)
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